Log your Erg Score & Workout Data
from a Photo
ErgSnap gets the data from your erg screen photo with 99% accuracy in less than 3 seconds.
ErgSnap gets the data from your erg screen photo with 99% accuracy in less than 3 seconds.
Learn More
Upload, Paste a Link, or take a Photo with your Phone and watch Erg Snap get the Data from your Erg Splits, so you can save, analyse, track or export.
Upload Photos from your Phone, Tablet or Desktop Erg Snap will get the Data from your Erg Splits, so you can save, analyse, track or export.
Use your Phone camera to take a photo after your workout and watch Erg Snap get the Data from your Erg Splits, so you can save, analyse, track or export.
Paste a Link to a public photo on the Internet and Erg Snap will get the Data from your Erg Splits, so you can save, analyse, track or export.
Use your data in ways to help you towards improving your scores and develop to your goal. See Split level Time, Meters, Pace, Rate and Heart Rate.
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